Dragons Blood Sage 22.5cm


◊ Origin: United States
◊ Dimensions: 22.5 cm

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Dragon’s Blood Sage combines the cleansing power of White Sage with the protective and empowering properties of Dragon’s Blood resin, derived from the red sap of the Dracaena tree. Known for its sweet, spicy scent, this smudging stick amplifies the potency of rituals, offering enhanced protection, love, and spiritual strength.
White Sage purifies spaces, clears negative energy, and creates a clean, positive atmosphere for spiritual practices.
Dragon’s Blood adds an extra layer of protection, helping to increase the potency of rituals, enhance love and passion, and provide strong energetic shielding.

♦ Protection: Strengthens spiritual barriers and safeguards your space from negative energies.
♦ Empowerment: Boosts the effectiveness of rituals, making it a powerful tool for manifestation and spiritual work.
♦ Love & Passion: Invites loving, positive energy and enhances emotional connection during ceremonies


How to Use:

  • Light the end of the sage bundle.
  • Gently blow out the flame to create a steady stream of smoke.
  • Move the sage bundle around the area or yourself to cleanse energy.
  • When finished, extinguish the embers safely in a fireproof dish or bowl.
Warnings: Always burn smudging stick in a fireproof dish and never leave it unattended. Ensure embers are fully extinguished after use. Use in a well-ventilated area, as the smoke may cause discomfort in small or closed spaces. If you are sensitive to smoke or have respiratory issues such as asthma, consult with a healthcare provider before use.


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